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About Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

What is an EHC Plan?

An Education, Health and Care plan is a legal document which describes a child or young person’s special educational needs, the support they need, and the outcomes they would like to achieve. It can start from any age and can remain in place until the young person is 25.

This is often referred to as an EHCP.

Only a small percentage of children with SEND will require the support of an EHCP. Most children with SEN will have their needs met by mainstream settings using the setting’s own resources.  

Who can request an EHC needs assessment?

A request for an EHC needs assessment will usually be made by the child’s setting. Professionals working with the child can also make a request with the knowledge and agreement of the child’s parents. Parents can request an EHC needs assessment directly although it is always best for this to be discussed with the child’s setting

Where can I get support?

If you would like independent advice and support about your child's special educational needs, or about the special educational needs process you can contact: Norfolk SEND Partnership (SENDIASS) – Norfolk’s Special Educational Needs Independent Advice and Support Service

Here are some questions you might want to ask the county council or your local information, advice and support service:

  • How can I get an education, health and care needs assessment for my child?
  • Who will be involved in my child’s education, health and care needs assessment?
  • What does an education, health and care plan look like and what information is in it?
  • What can I do if I do not agree with what is in my child’s education, health and care plan?
  • What happens after my child has got an education, health and care plan?

What does the law say about EHCP process?

  • It must be a person-centred process with the child and family having their voices listened to and valued
  • What the EHC plan must include
  • The EHC plan process should take no longer than 20 weeks from the date of request
  • An EHC plan should be reviewed at least annually
  • There is a right of appeal.

Contact the EHCP team - 01603 679183

If your child has an EHCP or is having an assessment, and you have a question, you can contact the EHCP team via their dedicated phone line.

The phone line is open:
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
9am-4pm on Fridays

This does not include bank holidays.

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