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Nature and outdoors

The surprising benefits of introducing children to nature - BBC Tiny Happy People

Dr Sandi Mann, Senior Psychology Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, says that the outdoors can provide many stimulating activities that are good for development - perhaps not in the ways you might expect. Find out more here 

Get bird spotting!

Birdwatching is a brilliant activity to do at home. There are so many interesting garden birds to spot and chat about when you look out of the window. Find out about the most common birds in your area.

Go on a listening walk outdoors and see which bird sounds capture your child's interest.

Mind nature!

Mind, the mental health charity, has some tips and suggestions for enjoying nature.

Nature and mental health

Norfolk County Council’s Early Years Garden - celebrating learning in the outdoors

There are lots of reasons why it’s good to get children outside, exploring their environment – here are 4 of them!

Connecting children with nature – National Trust

Find out about all of the '50 things to do before you're 11¾' activities with this handy list.

Minibeast hunt

Draw or show photos of minibeasts that your child can search for in the garden or on a walk. How many can you find?

Seeing some minibeasts should spark lively conversation and maybe some artwork too!

Outdoor nature art

Following RHS guidance about what’s safe, use natural materials like twigs, stones and leaves from your garden or local area to create your very own nature heart. 🌿

Nature for wellbeing – The Wildlife Trusts

A study of Wildlife Trust volunteers showed that 95% of participants with low mental wellbeing at the start of volunteering reported an improvement in 6 weeks. 

Want to know more?

You can read the full reports produced by the University of Essex and Leeds Beckett University HERE  

Other health and safety websites and information

If you’re heading to the Norfolk coast this weekend, check out the RNLI’s beach safety advice and tips here

NEO for families

Support your families to create a NEO account to complete eligibility checks

NEO for families