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Wellbeing resources for families

Wellbeing Service

Wellbeing Norfolk & Waveney provide a range of support for people with common mental health and emotional issues, such as low mood, depression or stress. Services are free and are available to people aged 16 and over living in Norfolk & Waveney.

Find out more HERE

Feeling stressed?

There are lots of ways to get support if you are struggling with stress, from the NHS and online information to charities. 

Find out more things you can do…

Feeling anxious?

Keep your focus on the things you can control, including where you get information from and actions to make yourself feel prepared.

The NHS Every Mind Matters website provides further information on how to manage anxiety.

Top tips on connecting with nature to improve your mental health

The Mental Health Foundation has compiled a list of top tips on how you can build your own connection with nature.

You can read and download the information sheet HERE

Norfolk & Waveney - Mental Health Advice & Support for 0-25’s

You don’t need a referral, you can get in touch straight away for advice and support.
Phone: Just One Number on 0300 300 0123
Text: Parentline on 07520 631590

Helping under 5s through the coronavirus crisis - Anna Freud Centre

10 ways you can make a difference 

Access and download the leaflet here

Laughter for wellbeing

The psychologist Caspar Addyman tells BBC Women’s Hour about the science of why babies laugh. 

Listen here

Calm Zone

Childline has created 'Calm Zone', an online toolbox to help children and young people manage their feelings. 

Find out more here 

Useful links and sources of support

The Department for Education (DfE) has put together a comprehensive list of accessible and free mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff.

Take a look at the resources

Information and support for your mental health - NHS

If you are experiencing stress, feelings of anxiety or low mood, you can visit the NHS mental health and wellbeing page for self-assessment, audio guides and practical tools. 

NEO for families

Support your families to create a NEO account to complete eligibility checks

NEO for families