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Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

The aim of the premium is to close the attainment gap between those that attract the funding and their peers. It is paid directly to providers so they can make sure eligible children have the best possible outcomes.

All childcare providers that offer early early education are eligible to claim EYPP for all children in receipt of Early Education.

To claim, a provider must collect parent/carer details and seek consent via the parent/carer claim form, and then insert these details on the child record in the funding module of the provider portal. Once submitted, an eligibility check will be completed by the local authority if consent has been confirmed as sought.

The eligibility check establishes if families or children meet the national criteria. Once eligibility is verified an EYPP payment will processed for hours funded by the local authority (up to 15 per week).

An initial estimate payment is paid at the start of each claim period and any balance due, paid at the end. Once a provider starts receiving the premium for a specific child, this will continue until the funding entitlement payment ceases.

The funding if received, must be used to enhance the experience of the child by improving the teaching and learning, facilities, and/or resources, so that there is a positive impact to their progress and development.

NEO for families

Support your families to create a NEO account to complete eligibility checks

NEO for families